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Singles Ladder

The adult singles ladder is held twice yearly and runs from January – May or from July – November


Players are placed in various groups based on their skill level (NTRP ratings, tournament or league results) and past ladder results. 

Players can compete against anyone within their assigned group and receive points for playing a match.  Following the 16 week rotation period, all of the players from each group who have successfully completed 6 matches will be combined and placed in a tournament draw (compass) for the remaining 6 week period of time.  These matches are played weekly with winners and losers moving into separate brackets.  Sign-ups are taken 6 weeks prior to the start of the season. 


Click on this link for registration form for Winter-Spring (Entry Deadline January 13, 2025)


Click on this link for singles dates and ladder rules

Mixed Doubles Ladder

The adult mixed doubles ladder runs from September – December


Teams are placed in various groups based on their skill level (NTRP ratings, tournament or league results) and past ladder results. 

Teams can compete against anyone within their assigned group and receive points for playing a match. Players must play with the same teammate throughout the ladder. Following the 10 week rotation period the top 4 teams will be placed in a single elimination tournament.  Sign-ups are taken 4weeks prior to the start of the season. 





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